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Floré Custom Probiotics Program Upgrade


To Auto-Renew Every 30 Days-$99/month

If you bought any of our gut health test kits and are now looking to improve your gut health score, you can upgrade to our monthly subscription. Retesting is included every 6 months for free as part of this subscription too. Your probiotics will be shipped directly to your door on ice using the same quality, surviving probiotic and prebiotic strains.

The Floré Precision Probiotics Upgrade is for you if you have already completed a gut test with one of the two following products and would like to add on our monthly custom probiotics subscription.

Note: it takes about a week after purchase for your custom probiotics to be formulated manufactured, and shipped. It could be longer if you sample is not done being processed at the time of this purchase.

How It Works

Receive Results Receive Results


Custom Formula Custom Formula


monthly probiotics shipments monthly probiotics shipments


Free retest Free retest

free retesting every 6 months

Why Choose a Monthly Plan?

recieve new custom probiotics with each new report

recieve monthly
custom probiotics
based on your

free shipping


Free Reformulation

free reformulations
until you see an improvement

free and easy cancellation

free and easy

Free retest


What is the microbiome?
The microbiome is the collection of all the microbes and their corresponding set of genes. Sun Genomics focuses on the microbiome located in the gut. A common misconception is that all these microbes are bad for you, but that is not true; microbes play an integral role in aiding the body's immunological, nutritional, and metabolic functions.
Does my gut microbiome change?
Your microbiome is always subject to change: if you take antibiotics, have a severe illness, or even change your diet, your gut microbiome may change. We provide you monthly probiotics and you can opt to re-test every 4 months of probiotics.