100% Made for You.
100% Science–Driven.

Since 2016, Floré scientists have contributed to the current understanding of the microbiome in specific disease areas. We perform research with established research institutions and publish in peer-reviewed journals.

We believe each person's microbiome is as unique and important as they are. That's why we create custom and personalized formulas to meet your specific needs.

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The Future of Health

Your Gut is Unique to You

Did you know you are genetically more microbe than human? Your microbiome consists of trillions of microbes, which outnumber the human cells in your body.

Not only that, no two microbiomes are the same. Even in identical twins, research shows that the gut microbiome varies and is considered as unique as the human fingerprint.

Understanding the diverse nature of the microbiome is the future of human health.

Floré is Effective.


Users report improvement in quality of life


Users report improvement in GI wellness


Users report improvement for stomach pain


Users report improvement for constipation

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Created Just for You!

Floré is the world’s only 100% custom synbiotic (prebiotics + probiotics) in an easy to use once-a-day capsule made with 115+ qualified and clinically validated ingredients.

We utilize cutting-edge whole genome sequencing technology, and our patented bioinformatic pipeline to interpret the trillions of microbes in your gut and create formulations to meet your specific needs.

From Small Beginnings

Scroll right to explore the history of the microbiome and Floré’s innovations in personalized wellness.

Early Breakthroughs


Emergence of 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing

Carl Woese developed a method for sequencing 16S rRNA, which revolutionized microbiology by enabling the classification of microbes based on their genetics. This laid the groundwork for exploring the gut microbiome.


Human Microbiome Becomes a Research Focus

The first draft of the human genome was published by the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium and Celera Genomics. Researchers hypothesized a link between gut microbes and disease, paving the way for genomic approaches.

Of the approximately 20,000 human genes discovered, 99.9% of human DNA between any 2 individuals is identical.

Focusing In On The Microbiome


Metagenomics & Microbial Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)

Advances in high-throughput sequencing enabled metagenomic studies, allowing scientists to sequence entire microbial communities without needing to culture individual species.


Launch of the Human Microbiome Project (HMP)

Initiated by the NIH, it aims to classify the microbial species in and on the human body. Whole Genome Sequencing of gut microbiota became a central component—mapping microbial diversity and functions.

The Rise of Probiotics


Probiotic Genome Sequencing

Researchers began sequencing probiotic strains to better understand their functions and mechanisms. This helped identify genes involved in colonization, metabolic activity, and immune modulation.


Development of Microbiome-based Therapies

With the advent of WGS, researchers began designing personalized probiotics and microbiome-based therapies. Clinical trials using microbiome-based treatments began.


Sun Genomics Founded

Sun Genomics, the parent company of the Floré brand, was founded to develop precision probiotics to treat dysbiosis through the gut microflora and personalized solutions. Growing from its flagship product it now also includes Floré Clinical and a range of accessible products such as Defense, Balance, and Performance.

New Frontiers in Innovation


Advances in CRISPR & Gut Microbiome Editing

CRISPR technology applied to the gut microbiome, enables precise editing of microbial genomes. This opens new possibilities for engineering probiotics and treating gut-related diseases.


Shotgun Metagenomics Matures

Shotgun metagenomics became widely used for sequencing and analyzing the entire gut microbiome. This method provides detailed insights into microbial composition, function, and interactions.


Flore Partners with Arizona State University

Our team joins forces with Dr. Adams at ASU to launch a study looking at the impact of the microbiome and probiotics on symptoms for those on the autism spectrum.


Our Paper on Autism Spectrum and the Microbiome is Published

Precision synbiotics increase gut microbiome diversity and improve gastrointestinal symptoms in our pilot open-label study with ASU's Autism/Asperger's Research Program finds. [Paper link]


Fundamentals Launched

Building on the research from our study, we launched Neurodiverse formulas tailored to specific areas of support. More Fundamental formulas launched to help with common GI symptoms and all based on over 7 years of custom formulas and customer feedback on formula success.

Flourish with Floré

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Whole Genome Sequencing

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Personalized Formulation

Science Backed

Probiotics to Meet Your Needs

We create probiotics and prebiotics to meet a range of symptoms, goals, and budgets based on our years of microbiome analyses and formulations.

Digestion & Gut Health

Digestion & Gut Health

IBD involves chronic gut inflammation, often linked to gut microbiome imbalances. Probiotics may help restore microbial balance, reducing inflammation and improving symptoms.

Autism Spectrum

Autism Spectrum

Gut microbiota directly affect Autism symptoms. Individuals with Autism often have gut dysbiosis and our Mood and Pathways probiotics improve gut wellness, supporting metabolism and behavior.

Weight Management

Weight Management

Gut microbiome imbalances can contribute to obesity. Probiotics may support weight management by improving metabolism, reducing inflammation, and restoring wellnessy microbial diversity.

Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular Health

Gut microbiota influence cardiovascular wellness. Probiotics may reduce harmful metabolites, improve cholesterol, and support heart wellness by promoting beneficial microbial functions.


We perform internal cohort analyses based on Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) microbiome data, Health & Diet Intake Data, and Formulation Data to assess the efficacy of our personalized products for individuals and cohort populations.

Autism Spectrum

Autism is prevalent in 1 out of 36 children in the United States. The efficacy of prebiotics and probiotics (synbiotics when combined) to improve symptoms associated with Autism. Here, we present a precision synbiotic supplementation study in 296 children and adults clinically diagnosed with Autism versus 123 age-matched neurotypical controls. Precision synbiotics modulated the gut microbiome and could improve Autism-related symptoms.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a prevalent, complex, chronic condition affecting approximately 10% of the global population. It is characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and altered bowel habits, significantly impacting patients' quality of life. A notable aspect of IBS is dysbiosis, characterized by reduced microbial diversity, a lack of beneficial bacteria, and an increase in pro-inflammatory bacteria.



Between 15% to 20% of adults and up to 33% of adults over the age of 60 years old are affected by chronic constipation. The frequency of bowel movements in constipation is fewer than 3 bowel movements per week. Symptoms include sensation of straining, lumpy or hard stools, feeling of incomplete evacuation, anorectal obstruction, or blockage, and may require manual maneuvers to facilitate bowel movement.
