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Gut Health

Top 5 Podcasts About Gut Health and Wellness

4 min read |
Top 5 Podcasts About Gut Health and Wellness Top 5 Podcasts About Gut Health and Wellness

Podcasts are the rage these days as we connect with other like-minded people across the world using the internet. If you're looking to improve your gut health or start living a healthier lifestyle, podcasts can be an excellent resource to help you achieve your goals. They're easy to listen to, and many of them offer insightful discussions on issues related to gut health and wellness.

We've compiled a wide variety of our five favorite podcasts to help you navigate the realm of content relating to gut health and wellness. By "wide variety," we mean a wide variety. All of these are a perfect accompaniment to any activity that can use a little spring in its step--cleaning the house, driving, cooking, folding laundry, and working out. There's surely something for everybody on this list!

Gut Podcast

Apple | Spotify

"Gut is a leading international journal in gastroenterology and hepatology. Gut delivers up-to-date, authoritative, clinically oriented coverage of all areas in gastroenterology. Regular features include articles by leading authorities, reports on the latest treatments for diseases, reviews, and commentaries."

All the science buffs out there, this one's for you. The Gut Podcast is brought to you by Gut itself, a scientific journal on gut health published by the British Medical Journal. It breaks down some of the most exciting research findings in gut health through digestible interviews with the top experts in the field. Dive deep into the literature and learn about the science behind what makes your gut tick with the Gut Podcast. Not sure where to start? Listen to one of our favorite episodes, "Mediterranean diet intervention alters the gut microbiome in older people," today!

The Perfect Stool

Apple | Spotify

"Hear host Lindsey Parsons interview functional and integrative medicine professionals, patients, and scientists about the gut microbiome, the current state of research, and how they approach treating IBS, IBD, candida, constipation, diarrhea, GERD, gastritis, SIBO, and other digestive issues."

The title just about sums it up. Parsons hosts experts for conversations all about the gut microbiome's interactions with other areas of overall wellness, including keeping you regular. Her most recent episodes have covered exciting topics like fermented foods, stress, bipolar disorder, autoimmune disease, bloating, and more. Cool, calm, and collected, she hosts digestible episodes (no pun intended!) for gut health newbies and experts alike.

What the F*ck is Sea Moss? Debunking the Wild World of Wellness

Apple | Spotify

"Kate Glavan and Emma Roepke are here to make the wild world of wellness more digestible to you. We are seeking to drive a new narrative in the wellness industry -- that you too can take your sea moss each day, but you can continue to challenge the elitist, exclusionary, and confusing aspects of wellness in order to create a health-driven lifestyle that works for you."

We wouldn't recommend listening to this one with your kids in the car. These Gen-Z hosts talk about all things wellness-related. Particularly interested in the gut microbiome's effects on wellness, these hosts break down the science behind the latest wellness trends with a youthful, inclusive, and positive energy. What's our favorite episode? Give a listen to their twenty-third episode, which covers the gut-skin axis: "Just Rub Some Sea Moss On It: The Relationship Between Skin + Food."

This Week in Microbiology (TWiM)

Apple | Spotify

"This Week in Microbiology is a podcast about unseen life on Earth hosted by Vincent Racaniello and friends. Following in the path of his successful shows 'This Week in Virology' (TWiV) and 'This Week in Parasitism' (TWiP), Racaniello and guests produce an informal yet informative conversation about microbes which is accessible to everyone, no matter what their science background."

Hosted by one of our favorite science communicators, Professor Vincent Racaniello at Columbia University, this podcast brings you the latest discoveries in microbiology. While not all of their episodes touch on gut health, if you're as obsessed with microbes as we are, you'll be satisfied with this choice. One of the coolest episodes (in our humble opinion) is the recent episode 238: Parkinson's disease gut microbiome.

The Goodness Lover

Apple | Spotify
"Goodness Lover is created with one mission in mind: to create a community of people who want to discover how to better care for themselves, others, and our planet. Each weekly episode is your direct line to the best holistic doctors and health experts around the world."

Hosts Sarah and Matt (husband and wife) are true wellness nerds. Enamored with the complexities of the gut microbiome, they take their listeners on a journey filled with humor, lifestyle tips, science, and well, goodness! A great first episode to listen to is one of their most recent, where Dr. Emeran Mayer of the University of California, Los Angeles breaks down both the brain-gut and gut-immune connections.

 *Bonus* Check out the podcasts we've been featured on!


Health via Modern Nutrition

Finding Genius

Precision the Healthcast

Available on practically all podcasting platforms, these podcasts are sure to provide you with the latest on all things and wellness. So, what are you waiting for? Take a listen and see what you think!


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