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Floré International | Gut Health Test & Custom Probiotics

Floré International | Gut Health Test & Custom Probiotics

$99/month after initial $549


Do you live outside the US? We offer a special package for you of the test and probiotics to eliminate accessing shipping costs and logistics of the monthly shipments.


Truly custom formulated probiotics based on a complete gut microbiome test. Instead of recommending multiple supplements, we analyze the trillions of microbes in your gut microflora, and craft a unique formula for your unique gut health needs. Our formulas are designed so you only have to take one-pill-a-day and we cold ship it directly to your door.


Floré personalized probiotics support GI motility, SIBO, leaky gut, and overall digestive wellness.

*Results typical of

preclinical study


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Sample Collection

Floré Microbiome Gut Test equips you to collect and send a micro-stool sample discreetly and in the comfort of your own home.

It comes with a pre-paid FedEx international mailer to allow you to return the sample to our lab easily.

Sample Collection Sample Collection

Your Sample Analysis

Our world-class team of scientists extracts and sequences your microbial DNA, and each report is personalized, keeping your health goals in mind.

The Floré customer portal provides access to your comprehensive report that showcases everything about your gut!

Sample Collection Sample Collection

Custom Probiotic Formulation

Using your gut microbiome results and your Health & Diet Survey responses, our formulations team puts together a custom blend of probiotics and prebiotics to improve your gut health. You'll get 3 months of custom probiotics in a single shipment.

Sample Collection Sample Collection

Disclaimer: This product offering is designed for our international customers who reside outside of the United States.


The first step is the Floré Gut Health Test, which will give
you a detailed look at your gut microbiome.

Our gut health test can detect over 23,000 microbes in your gut, including:
  • Bacteria
  • Fungus
  • Yeast
  • Parasites
  • Viruses

With the use of whole genome sequencing technology, our wellness assessment can detect these down to the strain level and the relative abundance of each microbe. You’ll receive a complete microbiome report, including other health scores such as your immunity and joint health. Use this wellness assessment to make the best decisions for your own gut health.


Microflora Analysis

Start with the at-home stool microbiome test. Your results identify bacteria, yeast (fungi), viruses, and parasites in an easy to understand process using real-world explanations and actionable recommendations. This analysis also includes a Floré Gut Health score using a patented system developed by our team to help you track your gut health over time.

Custom Probiotic Formula

Our formulation scientists use your Health & Diet survey responses and your microbiome results to create a truly custom formula focusing on the specific issues in your gut. Each formula has a custom mix of probiotics and prebiotics and the CFU varies depending on your needs.

Sustainable Packaging

Your first month's supply of precision probiotics will come with an environmentally-friendly personalized bamboo container shipped directly to your door. Refills will come in small recyclable pouches so you can refill your bamboo container and reduce waste. Boxes and ice packs are also recyclable.

Mobile App

In addition to our web portal, you can use the Floré mobile app for free to view your results and formula. View trends and changes between results on the app. Weekly surveys and daily stool logs on the app allow you to keep track of your gut health over time. (Weekly surveys also available on the web portal.)

Automatic Renewal

Never worry about running out! The monthly program automatically renews every 30 days so you always have a batch of probiotics in hand. Skip or cancel shipments at any time.


Real Results from Floré Users

After 3 Months on Floré


81% of Customers Reported Improvement in Immunity

Increase in Energy

83% of Customers Reported Increase in Energy

Leaky Gut

87% of Customers Reported Relief from Bloating, Gas, SIBO, Leaky Gut, & Other Digestive Issues

 Better Food Tolerance

80% of Customers Reported Better Food Tolerance

What is the microbiome?
The microbiome is the collection of all the microbes and their corresponding set of genes. Sun Genomics focuses on the microbiome located in the gut. A common misconception is that all these microbes are bad for you, but that is not true; microbes play an integral role in aiding the body's immunological, nutritional, and metabolic functions.
When can I expect to see results?
It's important to note that every person is different in both their gut profile as well as their reaction to probiotics. Therefore everyone's results and reaction time is a variable that we cannot predict. What we can predict is that your overall health will improve. If you don't feel moderate to significant improvement in your digestive symptoms within the first month of your custom formulation, please email customer service at customerservice@sungenomics.com so that they can look into a possible reformulation. We want to make sure your custom probiotics are working for you.
Does my gut microbiome change?
Your microbiome is always subject to change: if you take antibiotics, have a severe illness, or even change your diet, your gut microbiome may change. We provide you monthly probiotics and you can opt to re-test every 4 months of probiotics.
How does international shipping work?
We ship the collection materials from our San Diego, CA location via FedEx International. We include the pre-paid return label for you to drop your stool sample off with FedEx for return to our lab. We also send the probiotics in a batch with a cold-pack via FedEx International. You can except your shipment within a week or so of shipping. The probiotics are shipped with a cold pack, but will be room temperature by the time you receive them—that is perfectly normal! They are good outside refrigeration for 30 days.